This Print being the Exact Representation of that Capital Ship the Great Harry built at His Majesty's Dock Yard at Woolwich
The 'Harry Gr̢ce �� Dieu' was considered the greatest ship ever built in the English Tudor Period. Launched in 1514 at Woolwich, England, she was an English carrack that was the flagship of King Henry VIII. She had a large forecastle, four decks high, and a sterncastle two decks high. The top-heavy ship adversely affected her performance in battle and she was largely used as a diplomatic vessel-- she carried Henry VIII to the summit with Francis I of France at the Field of the Cloth of Gold. The print made after Han Holbein depicts a detailed representation of the carrack in sailing in action. The vessel is ornately accented with crenulated structures and dressed in various regal ensigns and oriflammes.