An illustration of 30 ironclad ships from the British Navy published in the American magazine Harper's Weekly 3 March 1866. Underneath each ship illustration is a text noting the type of ship, the tonnage, horsepower, length, beam, armor, backing, and description of armaments. Text on verso.
The listed vessels include: Achilles, 26; Agincourt, 26; Bellerophon, 16; Black Prince, 41; Caledonia, 31; Defence, 16; Enterprise, 4; Favorite, 10; Hector, 24; Lord Clyde, 24; Lord Warden, 24; Minotaur, 26; Northumberland, 26; Ocean, 23; Pallas, 6; Prince Albert, 4; Prince Consort, 35; Research, 4; Resistance, 16; Royal Alfred, 35; Royal Oak, 35; Royal Sovereign, 5; Scorpion, 4; Valiant, 24; Viper, 2; Vixen, 2; Warrior, 40; Waterwitch, 2; Wyvern, 4; Zealous, 20.