Page from a book of maps (pg unnumbered) with woodcut map of the Holy Land. Mediterranean sea, labelled "MARE MEDITER- RANEVM", and with a large whale depicted gliding on the surface of the water, on the left of the page. The significant cities and landmarks, including the Jordan river, are depicted and labeled in Gothic typeface. The name labels are of a fainter ink and look to have come from a different impression than the map itself. Title, atop page, reads "Tafel des heiligen Landes zu dem Newen Testament dienlich." (Plate of the holy lands that are useful to the New Testament). Verso is text with an ornamental woodcut below (with a cherub), with text beginning, "Borrede. Der liebe Gott wolle auch seinen heiligen Geift/den Similia schen Doctor und Lehrmeister dazu geben/ der durch das gepres digte und geschriebene Wort/ [etc.]" In Gothic typeface.