Tavola Seconda, & ultima del Cubicolo Quarto del Cimiterio di Priscilla, e d'altri Santi Martiri nella Via Salaria nuova
Page 543 from the book "De Roma Sotterranea" ("Rome Underground"), by Antoine Bosio. With an engraving depicting a decorative panel from the Cemetary of Priscilla in Rome, freaturing four Biblical scenes, each labeled with Roman numerals. In scene I, a robed man touches a rod to the forehead of a small figure swathed in cloth in the open doorway of a building. In scene II, two nude male figures on a simple single-masted boat hold another over the water; a monster in the water opens its mouth to swallow him. In scene III, the same monster as in II opens its mouth as a nude male figure emerges from it. In scene IV, a nude male figure reposes under a lattice entwined with gourd vines. Italian text printed above and below describes the figure. In translation, the text corresponding to the four scenes reads:
"I. Christ, who revives Lazarus; a figure which is at the peak of the arch in the chapel.
II. Jonah pushed into the sea into the mouth of the Whale; a figure which is at the left side of this Arch.
III. Jonah vomited up by the Whale; a story which is at the right side of this arch [...]
IV. Jonah, who rests under the Gourd; a figure which is on the principal face of this Chapel under the Arch."
Watermark in paper; a rectangular shieldlike form with what may be an animal motif.