Uncolored engraving depicting Jonah being thrown from the side of a two-masted ship during a heavy storm; the waves are taller than the side of the ship and reach as high as the shorter mast. The whale waits by the side of the ship. The ship itself is small compared to the amount of space used to depict the wild sea and overcast sky, which serves to emphasize the small and fragile nature of both the ship and Jonah himself. There is an elaborate border that includes the heads of the four personified winds. In the lower margin is printed, "Ion [Jonah] Cap I. v. 4. Agitur vento navis, feritur undis." and in a more Gothic-influenced typeface, "Jon [Jonah] Cap I. v. 4. See = Sturm." At bottom right, the artist attribution. From "Kupfer-Bibel, in welcher die Physica Sacra oder geheiligte Naturwissenschafft derer in der heiligen Schrifft vorkommenden nat�_rlichen Sachen" by Johann Jakob Scheuchzer.