Divers Sujets indiques en Francais, en Latin, en Italien, et en Allemand, pour l' Instruction et l'Amusement de la Jeunesse.
Plate with seven scenes, each captioned by a descriptive word given first in French, then in Latin, then in Italian, and finally in German (this last in a Gothic typeface). From left to right, the scenes are, top: Jonah spat onto land by the spouting whale (Baleine/Balaena/Balene/Walfisch); man by the road with a rosary, traveler's sack, and walking stick (Ermite, etc. [Hermit]); three women laundering clothes, with tub and washboard (Blanchisseuse, etc. [Washerwoman]); bottom: boy in a house pouring water out the window on an old man's head (Xantippe, etc.); man in a wizard hat with two ghosts, a skull, and a book drawing a circle with sigils using his staff (Enchanteur, etc. [Sorcerer]); winged man with an hourglass and scythe (Temps, etc. [Time]); thin woman in ragged dress and headkerchief holding the palm of a young girl, raising one finger to the sky (Bohemienne/Cingara/Indovina/Sigeunerium [Gypsy]).
Subtitled "Divers Sujets indiques 1. en Francais, 2. en Latin, 3. en Italien, 4. en Allemand, pour l' Instruction et l'Amusement de la Jeunesse." In English: "Various subjects named first in French, second in Latin, third in Italian, fourth in German, for the education and entertainment of Youth."