Black and white image, probably from a book, of a shipyard scene with two men by an engraved block of stone. In the background is a ship hull under construction and a body of water. In the foreground are the two men: one standing, holding a long hooked pole, behind the block of stone, and one sitting in front of it, wearing a fur cap and smoking a long pipe. The block reads, "Verscheide soorten van Hollandse vaartuigen geteekent en gesneeden door G. Groenewegen 1786. 1e Boekje" and below this, the French translation, "Plusieurs sortes de Batiments Hollandoise, dessin̩ et grav̩ par G. Groenewegen Rotterdam 1e Cahier" (English: Various sorts of Dutch ships, drawn and engraved by G. Groenewegen [in] Rotterdam, 1st. book) "A" and "1" are printed below the image.