A copperplate engraving from the book titled, 'Plan de plusieurs b̢timens de mer avec leurs proportions dedi̩ �� Son Altesse Serenissime Monseigneur Louis Auguste de Bourbon' (Marseille: c. 1720) by the French Captain Henri Sbonski de Passebon. The book was a collection of naval architecture prints. This print is of a three-quarter view of a French third rate (vaisseau du troisi̻me rang) seen from its stern and starboard side. All of her sails are full and pulling as she sails off a rocky shoal on the left side of the print. Another vessel sails in the distance on the right side of the print. The French navy used a system of five rates or "rangs" to grade their warships.
There is a watermark of three or more letters on the verso of the center left side of the print.