Twenty-Two prints of Several of the Capital Ships of the Royal Navy with Variety of other Sea Pieces after the Drawings of T. Baston
Plate I: Title page to Baston's series "Twenty-two prints of several of the capital ships of his Majesties Royal Navy with variety of other sea pieces..."; a man riding sea monster holding up shield with title of series in foreground. There are war ships off coast of a town with a castle in rocky landscape to the right. The series were published in London by Thomas Bowles.
Lettered with series title on shield "Twenty-two prints of several of the capital ships of his Majesties Royal Navy with variety of other sea pieces after the Drawings of T. Baston". Below a dedication to "the Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain and Ireland", and "TBaston delin / De Puis Sculp".