A map of the Mediterranean Sea published in "Atlas Nouveau" by A. Hubert Jaillot, whose first edition is from 1681, with maps made mainly by Guillaume Sanson (Pastoureau, M. Les atlas fran̤ais, 1984, pp. 233- 241, n.37). The relief of the hills is depicted in profile and shading; hydrography is highlighted; shores are shaded; and colored lines differentiate administrative divisions.
In the lower left corner, a cartouche displays the title and the author. It is decorated with vegetables and mythological sea animals and human figures such as Poseidon. In the upper left, are the scales surrounded by a border of scrollwork fountains with putti and cornucopias.
In the upper margin of the map, outside the graduated frame, the following title appears: " La mer Mediterran̩e divis̩e en Mer de Levant et de Ponant, subdivis̩es en leurs principales parties ou mers ou sont remarqu̩s ses Principaux Golees, Caps ou Promotoires , Ports de Mers. Dress̩ par le Sr. Sanson, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy. "