Hand-colored map of the world showing North and South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Antarctica. The northwest portion of North America is unfinished. There are two inset maps at each lower corner of the map: one of the north polar region and the other of the south polar region. Cartographic elements include lines of latitude and longitude (using the Ferro meridian) and compass rose. Small, decorative vignettes frame the map: the seven Ptolemaic symbols (top), the four seasons (right), the four Aristotelian elements (left), and the seven wonders of the ancient world (bottom). The cartouche with the inscription "America" is flanked by two, scantily dressed natives.
This map may have been removed from Willem Janszoon Blaeu's 'Le theatre du monde' (Amsterdam, 1635). Latin text on verso with chapter heading "Orbis Terrarum" (fol. 1r).