The "Captain," Commodore Horatio Nelson, 74 Guns, Boarding the Spanish Flagships "San Jose" 112 guns and the "San Nicholas" 80 guns, off St. Vincent, February 14, 1797.
The Spanish ships, 'San Jose' and 'San Nicolas de Bari,' are broadside to broadside on the left in the moment soon after the successful British capture of the Spanish ships. The British ship 'Captain' under Commodore Horatio Nelson, is to the right of the two Spanish ships. The British have raised their flag over the Spanish ships, and they work to take the Spanish ones down on the flagstaff over the stern. All three ships display the damage after the height of gunfire exchange during the Second Battle of Cape St. Vincent on 14 February 1797. Despite the greater number of Spanish ships, confusion amongst the Spanish fleet was so great that the British were victorious.