Colored image of Jonah plunging from a ship into the sea. A black and blue dragon, presumably meant to represent the whale, lies in the corner of the frame, head raised up towards Jonah. The ship is potrayed with the whole hull visible, such that it seems to float above the water; it has both sails and oars. There are two sailors; like Jonas, they are naked, clean-shaven, and portrayed with short, curly hair. There is a cross at the prow of the ship. The text underneath reads,
"JONAS JET�� �� LA MER" (English: Jonah thrown into the sea) and below it, in smaller type: "(Cimeti̬re de Calliste commencement du 3e si̬cle)" (English: Cemetary of Callixtus, beginning of the third century).
The text indicates that this object is a relatively recent reproduction of a third-century artwork found in the Cemetary of Callixtus in Rome, which is a significant early Christian burial ground rediscovered in 1854.