The Arethusa Frigate scudding under Foresail in a STORM, with a View of Plymouth, and Maker Church at a distance.
Engraving depicting three-quarter bow view of a frigate flying the British naval jack at stern, with most of her sails furled, and under heavy wind. Five more ships are visible in the background; they are tilting in the choppy seas. At right, in the background, is a landmass with a town visible at its base and a tower atop a high hill. This is the church-tower of Maker Church, named for St. Macra.
In the lower margin the title and publisher information is printed; however, Bowles' name has been scratched away, along with another inscription on the right of the lower margin. The date of publication is given as 19 May 1783.
Copy in reverse of a print with the same name published in Dublin by William Allen.
Faint watermark, with a large design followed by the letters "L.V."; difficult to discern on paper.