Tavola Prima del Cubicolo Quinto del Cimiterio di Priscilla, e d'altri Santi Martiri nella Via Salaria nuova.
Page 547 (verso blank) from the book "De Roma Sotterranea" ("Rome Underground"), by Antoine Bosio. With an engraving depicting two panels found in early Christian cemetaries, one labeled A and the other B, each depicting Biblical scenes. Panel B depicts a monstrous creature at sea spitting up a male figure; the creature has a sea serpent's tail, a horse's abdomen and forelegs, a very thin and snakelike neck, and a porcine head. Pencilled note in right margin, beside it, reads "Jonah" . Italian text printed above and below describes the figure. The portion relevant to panel B reads, in translation, "Jonah vomited up by the Whale."
Watermark in paper; a rectangular shieldlike form with what may be an animal motif.