
Page 547 (verso blank) from the book "De Roma Sotterranea" ("Rome Underground"), by Antoine Bosio. With an engraving depicting two panels found in early Christian cemetaries, one labeled A and the other B, each depicting Biblical scenes. Panel B depicts a monstrous creature at sea spitting up a male figure; the creature has a sea serpent's tail, a horse's abdomen and forelegs, a very thin and snakelike neck, and a porcine head. Pencilled note in right margin, beside it, reads "Jonah" . Italian text printed above and below describes the figure. The portion relevant to panel B reads, in translation, "Jonah vomited up by the Whale."
Watermark in paper; a rectangular shieldlike form with what may be an animal motif.

Hart Nautical
Facciotti, G.
ink; laid paper
19 in x 13 3/4 in
Italy: Rome