On the morning of August 24, 1848, the American ship 'Ocean Monarch' left Liverpool with 360 passengers, crew, and emigrants. Around 12 o'clock, the ship burst into flames off Great Ormeshead reportedly caused by a smoking steerage passenger. The yacht 'Queen of the Ocean,' owned by Thomas Littledale, was the first on the scene. He was on his way returning to Liverpool with a party of friends after the Beaumaris regatta when he caught sight of the ship in distress. He was able to save 32 people including Captain Murdoch. The Brazilian steam frigate 'Affonso,' the SS 'Prince of Wales,' and the New York-bound packet ship 'New World' also came to aid the burning 'Monarch.' Collectively, an additional 188 people were saved, but 178 passengers lost their lives. The print depicts the 'Monarch' burning in flames on the left with a rescue boat picking up survivors clinging onto debris in the foreground. The Brazilian steam frigate is on the right, flying a large flag of Brazil at her stern. Littledale's yacht is in the depicted in the center of the middle ground and the outline of the packet 'New World' is in the far distance.