Monochrome engraving with four scenes of seals at sea, with figure numbers and captions, and letters on the image labeling features of interest. Top image, two seals raising their heads out of the water; captioned "Fig. 1. Phoques qui aspirent l'Air." (English: Seals which are breathing air.) Below, a spotted seal in side view reposing on a beach; behind it are three men hunting its bretheren with clubs. Captioned "Fig. 2. Phoque qui se repose �� Terre." (Seal which is resting on land). Below, a seascape with rocky cliffs on right, and a three-masted ship (three more in background); men hunt seals with clubs from boats between the rocks. Captioned "Fig. 3. Tuerie des Phoques dans une Crique." (Killing seals in a cove). At bottom, a beach where men are killing seals with clubs. Captioned "Fig. 4. Chasse des Phoques �� leur retour �� la mer." (Hunting seals during their return to the sea)