This map of Africa, Europe, and Asia is a second state print that was based on a similar map by Abraham Ortelius, and it was published in part 2 of Jansson's 1650 Atlas Maritimus or volume 5 of his Atlantis Majoris. The elaborate cartouche noting its dedication in the bottom center was left blank in the first state.
Jansson labels the names of ancient places that derived from Ptolemy's Geographica. He also marks all five climatic zones: the frigid zones in the north and south, the habitable temperate zones to the north and south of the tropics, and the inhospitable torrid zone to either side of the Equator. A sea monster and various fishing, sailing, and merchant ships decorate the seas. The title is contained within an elaborate, baroque cartouche flanked by putti at the top.
In panel, bottom corner: "Nobilissimo Amplissimoq Viro. Dno. Fransisco Banningio Cacq. Equiti, Dno. in Purmerlant et Ylpendam, Consuli Reipublic ae Amstelo: damensis. D.D.D Iohan Ianssonius."
Another copy of map in collection: AF-MX-K011.