Nova et accurata Tabula episcopatuum Stavangriensis, Bergensis et Asloiensis Vicinarumque aliquot territoriorum
Hand-colored map of the southern part of Norway that includes Stavanger and Bergen, Norway from The English Atlas by Moses Pitt (1680-1683). Pitt used the plates of Johannes Janssonius van Waesberge (son-in-law of Jan Jansson); Pitt's name was added to the plates for the English Atlas. Various sailing vessels and a sea monster (or whale) decorate the seas. On the top right corner is a strapwork cartouche with the title of the map. Underneath the title cartouche is a Norweigian coat of arms. In the bottom left corner is a cartouche in the shape of a plinth with a putti holding a wreath; the map's scale is displayed in Milliaria Germanica communia and Milliaria Gallica communia.