Page 473 from the book "De Roma Sotterranea" ("Rome Underground"), by Antoine Bosio. With an engraving depicting, in five subfigures, an arch and the decorations upon it, found in the Cemetary of St. Agnes. Subfigure I. shows a perspective view of the arch, with a fisheye effect in order to show the locations of all of the paintings upon it, and subfigures II-VII depict the paintings in detail. In particular, VI shows a painting depicting a view of Jonah flung into the sea, a view of Jonah spat up by the whale, depicted as a monster, and below these, a view of Jonah under a lattice wrapped in gourd-vines. Italian text printed above and below describes the figure.
The description of VI reads, in translation, "The three Stories of Jonah, when he was swallowed by the Whale; and then when he was vomited from it; and when he rested under the Gourd."
Watermark in paper; a rectangular shieldlike form with what may be an animal motif.