Monochrome engraving. At right, a Jonah is depicted in midair after being flung from a boat on a turbulent sea. A Whale with vast eyes, spiny teeth, and a scaly tail waits below with mouth agape. Above are black clouds, with diagonal lines extending from them to indicate rain or possibly shadow. In the background is a calmer sea with small hips and a city with arches and towers between the sea and the mountains; it is rendered as half in shadow, half in sunlight. To the left of the composition is a rocky outcropping with a ruined castle atop a cliff. In the castle yard is barely visible a human silhouette. A series of stairs winds down from the castle to the seashore. Further along the shore, a man's silhouette under a tree is engaged at pushing at something with a long stick. Below the image is the following text, "Ionas puppe cadens, Ceto sorbente voratus, In pelago non sensit aquas vitale sepulcrum, Ne moreretur habens tandemque["que" is abbreviated] e ventre ferino Venit ad ignotas tutus sine remige terras:"
The text ends with the semicolon.