Uncolored engraving depicting eleven scenes from the far north. At center, three men in a boat fighting against attacking polar bears rising out of the water. On perimeter, clockwise from top left, some walruses (caption: "Die Wallross"); beached narwhals ("Der Narwall"); a seal on a piece of ice ("Der Seehund", sea dog); horseback riders outside a small house ("Islander", Icelanders); a whale flipping a whaleboat with its tail ("Wallfischfang"); a spouting whale about to be harpooned by men on a whaleboat ("Der Potfisch"); two birds descending on a fish ("Weisskopf Adler und Fischsperber"); another spouting whale about to be harpooned ("Der Wallfisch"); men dressed in furs, one in a kayak, raising their spears against a polar bear ("Der Eisbar"); men cutting up a fish outside igloos, with two dogs looking on ("Eskimos").