Poster depicting maritime flags used at the Port of Shanghai. The American, French, and British national flags are shown at top. Flags of the Harbor Master and house flags of the P. & O. Co., Messageries Imperiales, and the Pacific M.S.S. Co. are displayed at botom. Along the left and right borders are signal flags. The header at the top of the brodside reads "I. M. Customs' Nautical telegraph."
Text below the national flags describes customs for displaying ensigns.
In a central register: "Shanghai. List of Names of Steamers running regularly to and from this port," followed by a list of steamships.
1. Fire Queen
2. Plymouth Rock
3. Hirado
4. Fusiyama
5. Kiangloong
6. Lamont
7. Moyne
8. Tahwah
9. Shansee
10. Szechuen
12. Manchu
13. Kiangtzse
14. Yuy-Hai-un
15. Costa Rica
16. Miaca
17. Glengyle
18. Rona
19. Reiver
20. Clan Alpine
21. Suwonada
23. Yesso
24. Nanzing
25. Ying-tsze-fei
26. Express
27. China
28. Tunsin
29. Shaftesbury
30. feiloong
31. Fusiyama
32. Ganges
35. Cadiz
37. Aden
38. Niphon
39. Malacca
40. Sunda
43. United Service
45. Erl King
46. Osaka
47. Fungsui
48. Kiusiu
49. Thales
50. Haya Maro
52. Courier
53. Dragon
54. Coila