A map of Spain published in "Atlas Nouveau" by A. Hubert Jaillot, whose first edition is from 1681, with maps made mainly by Guillaume Sanson (Pastoureau, M. Les atlas fran̤ais, 1984, pp. 233- 241, n.37). The relief of hills are depicted in profile and shading; hydrography is highlighted; shores are shaded; and administrative divisions are differentiated by colored lines. Cities are represented by circles and sets of buildings according to their importance. One-armed crosses on the buidings indicate bishoprics and double-armed crosses indicate the archbishopric. Toponymy is in Spanish and French.
In the lower right corner, a cartouche displays the title and the author. It is decorated with cornucopia bouquets, vegetable motifs, animals, and flags. In the upper left, a cartouche is adorned with angels and fantastic animals and crowned by the shield of the great Dolphin of France, to whom the map is dedicated. In the lower left corner are the scales surrounded by a border with ribbons.
In the upper margin of the map, outside the graduated frame, the following title appears: "L'Espagne Distingu̩e en Tous Ses Royaumes Principaut̩s & c. S̤avoir Sous Domination du Roy Catholique les Roy [au] mes de Castille, Leon, Gallice, Navarre , Andalousie, Grenade, Murcie, Aragon, Valence et Maiorque and Les Princes [cipau] t̩s des Asturies, Biscaye et Catalogne, Sous la Dominacio [n] Du Roy From Portugal Les Roy [au] month of Portugal et d'Algarve. Of plusieurs Memoires "