Uncolored engraving showing a whale being cut up on a shore in the foreground, and several men on whaleboats at sea in the background; in the distance is a small town with a church and a windmill; there is a single-master ship at eas, and three more in the background. Caption, in lower margin, reads, "
Siet Groenlants Redery, hoe hier het spek en baarden
Gesneen, gehouwen wort, by uw in hooger waarden
Benoorden Hitlant niet, maar voor St Anna lant-
Hoe komt de Vin-vis daar? laat hooren uw verstant."
"Take a look at Greenland's maritime trade, how here the bacon and bits [referring to blubber]
Was cut up, hewn up, by you in higher values [??]
Not northern Hitland, but at St. Anna's land--
How came the Fin-Fish there? Let's hear your verse."