0750 / 3,080
Descriptio Peregrinationis D. Pauli Apostoli, Exhibens Loca fere omnia tam in Novo Testamento qu��m in Actis Apostolorum memorata: Oper̢
Hand-colored folio map of the Mediterranean Sea from 'Atlas Novus, sive Theatrum Orbis Terrarum' by Abraham Ortelius. The upper part is occupied by the title inscribed on a tacked "curtain" flanked by two Biblical scenes related to Apostle Paul: the conversion of Paul on the left (Acts 9:1-19) and the shipwreck and Paul ashore on Malta on the right (Acts 27:27-28:5).
The map is framed by graduated margins. The relief of the landscape is depicted by small profile illustrations of mountains and cities are represented by sets of buildings. The shores are shaded with fine hatching. Verso is blank.