"This full-rigged ship made many voyages, the first one to the Pacific in 1853 and another in 1857. In 1862 she sailed to the Atlantic grounds, made another voyage there in 1864 and again went to the Pacific in 1866 and 1869. She met with fairly good fortune on her whaling cruises. She was owned by the well-known whaling firm of Henry Taber & Co., later conducted under the changed name of Taber, Gordon & Co. The flag on the foremast is the red, white and blue house flag of the agents of the vessel. Dumpling Rock Light is shown in the distance."
See Allan Forbes, Whale Ships and Whaling Scenes as Portrayed by Benjamin Russell. Presenting Reproductions in Color of the Paintings of the Foremost Artist in That Field (Boston: Printed for the Second Bank-State Street Trust Co, 1955), 49.