Black and white engraving of Jonah being flung overboard a ship. The ship has sails and its masthead is an elephant's head with a cornucopia full of squash and gourds. Three men work to hoist the sails while four others fling Jonah overboard, towards the waiting, fanged mouth of the whale. Three barrels bob on the wave-ridden sea and the sky is darkened to heighten the intensity of the storm. Another ship with sails is visible in the background. The text below the image reads, "A domino fugiens iactatur in aequora Ionas, Excepit hunc caeco bellua ventre ferox." In smaller type, "Ionas Cap. 1. M. de Vos inuentor".
Calligraphic handwriting on verso. "Maestro M rondi", or "Maestro Mirondi". Date and writer are unknown. On each bottom corner of the verso is the remnant of a spot of red wax.