165 / 204 The King Thurifying and Pouring a Libation to Amun-Re Save Share Ask a Question Luxor Temple The Epigraphic Survey at Chicago House Save Share Ask a Question North portal, west thickness. Compare plate 158. Plate 157 and 158 Type Photograph and Drawing Musicians and Priests: Detail of Plate 91 East wall, central section. See plate 92. Fragments from the Opet Register, South Wall, and Miscellaneous Fragments Compare plate 125. The King Thurifying and Pouring a Libation to Amun-Re North portal, west thickness. Compare plate 158. Offerings and the Bark of Mut in Luxor Temple Compare plates 45 and 46. The Barge of the King and Towboats: Detail of Plate 68 East wall, central section. Fragments from the Opet Procession, West Wall Compare plate 121. Explore chevron-right