Pencil drawing of an upside-down sperm whale, convulsing in the waves. A rowboat full of whalers, with one man holding on to the rope of the harpoon sunk in the whale, is rowing away from the frothy white water surrounding the whale. Behind the animal is another boat, tipping up and spilling a man off its prow; a third boat is visible in the distance behind the tail. The whale is shaded in a great deal of detail. Below the image is the following handwritten text,
"Violent convulsive movements of a wounded Sperm Whale, when suffering the last pangs of his numerous and deep wounds. Under these circumstances he always describes[?] the segment of a circle: and is said to be in his [Hu?]rry. When first struck with the harpoon, with success[?] he frequently "sounds", or descends to an amazing depth, taking out the lives belonging to four boats, 800 fathoms! 42 teeth in lower jaw of a formidable size but conical shape no teeth in lower jaw NB the throat is capacious enough to give passage to the body of a man; in this respect presenting a strong contrast with the contracted gullet of the Greenland Whale."