Monochrome image from the frontispiece of the 1784 Universal Magazine, featuring a Muse of Arts and Sciences, dressed in elaborate drapery with a sceptre in one hand, elbow resting on a sphere, handing a piece of paper marked "Boyle" to a female figure in equally elaborate drapery seated on the ground, writing in a book with her elbow resting on a pile of tomes. An angel sounds a trumpet overhead, on which is tied a banner with the title "Universal Magazine Vol. II." Greco-Roman ruins in the background; above, an arch with figures of the Zodiac. Above the image is printed "'Tis great delight to laugh at some Men's Way's [sic] But a much greater to give Merit Praise. Duke of Buckingham" Below the image is printed, "Publis'd according to Act of Parliament 1748. For John Hinton at the Kings Arm's [sic], in St. Pauls-Church-Yard."