To the Commodore Captain & Members of the Royal Thames Yacht Club. This Print of the Match at Cowes for a Cup given by the Members of the Royal Yacht Squadron, Augt. 14th 1844
Seven cutter yachts race in to round the Lepe Buoy in heavy weather. 'Mystery,' in the center, is in the lead, but several yachts are right behind her. 'Gulnare' rounded the buoy second followed by 'Champion,' 'Gnome,' and 'Phantom.' According to reports of the contest, 'Blue Bell' was struck by a heavy sea off Brambles and lost her bowsprit. A wave swept overboard the main-sheet coil of the 'Gnome,' and a crewmember who jumped to save it was also washed overboard, but saved. 'Mystery' came in first place at 2 hours and 10 mins. 'Champion' arrived second 4 minutes and 25 seconds later, 'Gulnare' arrived third 5 seconds later, and 'Phantom' arrived last 3 minutes and 30 seconds later. The title and the names of the yachts are labeled below the printed plate.