
Black and white engraving of a whale in the ocean being chopped into pieces by four sailors that stand on its back. A sea creature with two fangs is depcted in the foreground along with five ships in the background.

One of a series of 12 engravings from Views of the Greenland Whale Fishery (Kline Visschery). Titles in Dutch, German, and English. Each inscribed S. Vdr. Meulen Delineavit. A Vander Laan Fecit. P. Schenk Iun: Excud[it]. Amst[erdam] Cum Priv[ilegio].

Hart Nautical
van der Meulen, Sieuwert; Schenk, Pieter; Laan, Adolf van der
ink; paper
8 in x 9 1/4 in
Netherlands: Amsterdam