Clipping from a magazine article about the Whale Fishery including text and two illustrations. First illustration, entitled "Harpooning the Whale in the Arctic Seas", shows a whaleboat with a harpooneersman raising his weapon over the back of a whale behind it; boat has a flag with a Union Jack in the canton. More whaleboats, a whaling ship, and icebergs with a white bear upon them in the background. Second illustration, entitled "Dangers of the Whale Fishery", shows a spouting whale flipping a boat, with three men in the water, and more whaleboats, icebergs, and a whaleship in the background.
The text includes a discussion of the whale as the Biblical Leviathan, with the notable line, "There is no reason to imagine that any creature ever trod the land approaching to the magnitude of this sovereign of the deep [i.e. the whale]."