A tinted lithograph depicting the contested victory of the Swedish schooner yacht 'Sverige' beating the 'Rosalind' at the Royal Thames Yacht Club Match of June 1, 1853. The match ended with protests and law proceedings. The captain of the 'Violet,' one of the race contenders, accused the 'Sverige' of foul sailing. The 'Sverige' was deprived of her victory and the 'Rosalind,' owned by Lord Alfred Paget, the Commodore of the Club, became the winner.
For much of the race, the 'Sverige' and 'Rosalind' sailed neck and neck, but as they both approached the finish line, marked by the flag buoy, the foretopmast of the 'Sverige' snapped off allowing the 'Rosalind' to speed ahead. The 'Sverige' quickly shot between the 'Rosalind' and the buoy. The 'Rosalind,' in an attempt to avoid collision, passed under the stern of the 'Sverige' but in the process, lost her jib boom. The print depicts both of these accidents. As the jib boom of the 'Sverige' crosses the flag buoy, the crew of the 'Rosalind' gathers at the bow to take care of the broken jib boom.