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The Ships Antarctic of New York, Capt Stouffer, and Three Bells of Glasgow, Capt Creighton rescuing the passengers and Crew from the Wreck of the Steam Ship "San Francisco."
On December 24, 1853, the steamship 'San Francisco' laid disabled after a severe storm. Two brigs attempted to assist her on the 25th and 26th, but failed to stay by her side due to the waves. On the 28th, the barque 'Kilby' of Boston took in some passengers, but she was also separated during a gale in the night. The rest of the surviving passengers were saved by the ships 'Three Bells' of Glasgow and 'Antarctic.' The print depicts the British 'Three Bells' (right) and American 'Antarctic' (left) flanking the sinking 'San Francisco' while passengers are being transferred on rowboats.