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A trimmed, black-and white lithograph of the schooner yacht 'America' winning the first America's cup with the 'Titania' trailing behind in the distance. The yacht is identified by the legible name written across its stern.

In 1851, the Royal Yacht Squadron proposed a race around the Isle of Wight. A group of New York Yacht Club members, led by Commodore John Cox Stevens, built a yacht designed to compete in such races. Despite the great engineer, Robert Stephenson, designing the 'Titania,' she lost against the 'America.' The victory of the American yacht gave its name to one of the oldest and best-known trophies of the sport: the America's Cup.

ship portraits
Hart Nautical
Nagel & Weing�_rtner; Hansen, J.
ink; paper
16 in x 24 in
USA: New York