Page from a folio bearing the printer's device for the Aldus printers, as a woodcut. The device is an anchor with a dolphin twisting around it, wrapping around the anchor once with its tail at top right and head at bottom left. To the left of the anchor and dolphin is the text, flanked by eight-pointed stars: "ALDVS"; to the right, also flanked by eight-pointed stars: "MA. RO." Device is bordered by a rectangular double line border. The three lower points of the anchor overlap the inner line. The inner line breaks at top, right before it would touch the top ring of the anchor from the left.
Above the device is the text, in a Humanist font face,
"Philostrati Atheniensis de Vita Apollonii Tyanensis libri octo iterprete Alemanno Rinnuccino florentino. Eusebii Caesariensis episcopi opusculum in Hieroclem Zenobio Acciolo florentino interprete."
This is the last printed page in the book "Philostratou Eis ton Apolloniou [...] ordinis praedicatorum." published February 1502.