Hand-colored lithograph with two large central whaling scenes surrounded by eight vignettes showing the uses of the whale. Clockwise from top right, the vignettes show a lighthouse lit by whale oil ("For Light--as a Guide to Mariners"); a scene of the cutting-in of a whale at sea ("Cutting off the Blubber"); a seated woman in a chemist's shop purchasing something from the chemist, with barrels marked "Spermaceti" and a sign reading "Fine Ambergris & Spermaceti" ("Commerce--Spermaceti, Ambergris"); a man in a warehouse rolling a barrel across the floot, and another man stirring a very large vat ("Manufacture--Oil Works"); a man shovelling manure out of a horse-cart ("Agriculture--For Manure"); a woman and a child under whalebone umbrellas during a storm ("The Whalebone"); a man with a spear and a woman with a kettle and a child on her back, both in furs, in an arctic landscape ("For Food"); a woman sitting at a table reading a book by the light of two candles and a chandelier ("For Light -- Sperm Oil & Candles"). Printed in the lower margin are the artist and publisher attributions.