Series of Three Prints Representing the Departure from Portsmouth Harbour on the 2nd of June 1833 of 12 Dutch Merchant Ships Released from Embargo
The scene shows a fleet of Dutch merchant ships leaving Portsmouth Harbour after an embargo on Dutch shipping, imposed at the end of 1832, was lifted. Great Britain had joined with France in supporting Leopold as the newly elected King of the Belgians. William of Orange opposed Leopold and the embargo was imposed in response to that opposition. On 21 May, 1833, William modified his position with regard to Leopold and agreed to a provisional convention with Britain and France. The embargo was subsequently lifted. The print is inscribed: "This Series of three prints, representing the departure from Portsmouth Harbour on the 2nd June 1833 of the 12 Dutch Merchant Ships released from Embargo, is by Special permission most respectfully dedicated to His Majesty William 1st King of the Netherlands &c &c &c by His Majesty's most humble and most devoted Subject and Servant Arnoldus Van Den Bergh." This Series of three prints, representing the departure from Portsmouth Harbour on the 2nd June 1833 of the 12 Dutch Merchant Ships released from Embargo Hand-coloured.; Medium includes gum arabic.
Three named vessels are: Prins Van Oranje, Clara Henrietta, and Stag.
Coat of Arms of the Netherlands depicted at bottom.
In-plate, at bottom: "This series of three prints representing the departure from Portsmouth Harbour on the 2nd of June 1833 of the 12 Dutch Merchant Ships released from Embargo is by Special permission most respectfully dedicated to His Majesty William 1st King of the Netherlands &c &c &c by His Majestys most devoted Subject and Servant Arnolodus Van Den Bergh."
Same title in Dutch on left.