Plate from a book, depicting a seal hunt in an arctic region. In the background are two large ships on a sea studded with lumps of ice, and a small rowboat in which a man raises a hatchet at a swimming walrus or seal. In the foreground are two men and three walruses; one man drives a spike through a walrus' head while the other raises a hatchet above it. In the background are more men with lances and hatchets, attacking many walruses. Plate is labeled "Plaat 2. Blz. 18". It was likely never bound in a book binding.
On the verso is printed text in Dutch describing the image: "Plaat 2. Afbeeldinghe vande Wal-russchen, Zee-monsters also ghenaemt, seer sterck beesten [...]" (Plate 2. Image of the walruses, also called sea-monsters, very strong beasts [...])