Pars Orbis. Map of the world showing how the descendants of Noah repopulated the Earth following the Great Flood. Text includes panels in Latin and Hebrew reproducing the Table of Nations which lists the descendants of Noah starting with his three sons, Japheth, Ham and Shem and the countries that they and their descendants founded. Relief is shown pictorially. Map shows the first time a triangular shaped island appearing south of the East Indies and in roughly the position of Australia. The map makes 'a significant claim for the inclusion of Portuguese discoveries along the northern coastline, without any hypothetical southern land mass' -- Robert Clancy, The mapping of Terra Australis. On top left corner of map: Benedict Arias Montanus sacrae geographiae tabulam ex antiquissimorum cultor. Familiis a Mose recensitis : ad Sacrorum libror, explicandor commoditatem Antuuerpiae in Philippi regis catholici gratia describebat 1571. The map is from the eighth volume of Plantin's Polyglot Bible: Biblia Sacra Hebraice, Chaldaice, Graece, & Latine, published 1572
Orbis Tabula title page on verso