
Monochrome page with images of various cetaceans. Labeled at top with title and "Zoologie Pittoresque No. 24". Top image is of a manatee swimming by a shore; labelled "Famille des c̬tac̬s herbivores - Herbivorus cetaceous family." and "Lamantin". Below this is a heading "Famille des c̬tac̬s ordinaires - Common cetaceous family." In the first row under this header is (left) a beached dolphin, labelled "Dauphin - Dolphin." and (right) a porpoise in shallow water, labelled "Marsoin - Porpoise." Below this is a large illustration of a swimming narwhal, labelled "Narval - Narwhal.". Below is a large illustration of a spouting whale (two blowholes) at sea, with a large ship, rowboats, seabirds, and another spouting whale in the background. This is labeled "Baleine - Whale." Below the illustrations is a paragraph of text about the cetaceous family, printed on the left in French and on the right in English. At the bottom of the page the artist and publication information is given.

Hart Nautical
St. Aulaire, A.; D'Aubert & Cie.
ink; paper
11 in x 7 3/4 in
France: Paris