Monumento Secondo arcuato del Cimiterio de' Santi Ermete, Basilla, Proto, e Iacinto nella Via Salaria vecchia.
Page 567 (blank verso) from the book "De Roma Sotterranea" ("On Subterranean Rome"), by Antoine Bosio. With an engraving depicting, in five subfigures, a decorated arch in the Cemetary of St. Ermete. Figure labeled I. shows the general layout of the arch with simply lines indicating the illustrated panels. II. depicts the back panel, which includes a scene of Jonah spat up by the whale. III-VI depict the scenes painted on the underside of the curve of the arch; VI shows Jonah under the gourd. Italian text printed above and below describes the figure. Relevant section of the caption printed below the figures reads, in translation:
"I. Design of the entire abovementioned monument.
II. Three sacred stories, which form the principal facade of this Monument: The first, in the center, showing when Christ our Lord placed his hand above the child; the second, which is to the right side of the aforementioned [one], of Samson, when he carried Garza's door on his shoulders [note: if this text is to be believed, the engraver has reversed the relative position of these illustrations]: the third is showing Jonah spit onto the ground from [inside] the Whale. [marked with a pencil arrow at right]
III. Jonah, for whom the gourd was dried. [?] [marked with a pencil X at left]
IV. Moses, who with a rod drew out water [...]"
Watermark in paper.