Star chart printed in black and blue ink: stars and text in black, and figural representations of the constellations in blue. With a key to the different symbols used for different brightnesses of stars, and instructions for using the map:
"This Map represents the stars as they may be observed during the greater part of November, December, and January, at the hours named, the dotted Circle which crosses the graduated Meridian at 41 [degrees] is the Circle of perpetual apparition, the Stars within that Circle being visible at all times from the Meridian of Greenwich. In using the Map, place it over the Head, the top pointing towards the North, and if the Night be sufficiently dark and bright, the Stars may be traced occupying the position indicated in the Map at any of the times names.
By reckoning back allowing 20 minutes for every 5,[sic?] days, the Map may be made to apply to any other day or hour during which the Stars are visible"
Andromeda pointed out with pencilled in arrow and inscription.