Monochrome copperplate engraving of two star charts and accompanying text in French, above, reading "LE GLOBE CELESTE, ou l'on voit, 1022 ̩toiles en 48 constellations, 12 dans le zodiaque et 36 hors du zodiaque, etc.". Title text styled as a banner. With a note in the margin at top right: "Tome I Page I". Star charts represent the two hemispheres. On a background of engraved black clouds. It is a smaller version of a map by Jan Luyts.
Translation of text: "The Celestial Sphere, in which one can see 1022 stars in 48 constellations, 12 in the Zodiac and 36 outside the Zodiac, etc."
Cetus and Andromeda are pointed out with pencil lines & inscriptions.