A copperplate engraving from the book titled, 'Plan de plusieurs b̢timens de mer avec leurs proportions dedi̩ �� Son Altesse Serenissime Monseigneur Louis Auguste de Bourbon' (Marseille: c. 1720) by the French Captain Henri Sbonski de Passebon. The book was a collection of naval architecture prints. This print depicts the French galley 'La R̩ale' anchored at a port. One of her lateen sails forms an awning over half the vessel in which wooden scaffolding and lines connected to the masts and yards hold the fabric up. She flies five fleur-de-lis covered oriflammes. In the foreground, workers load cargo onto a rowboat and sit at the dock next to a large stone structure that is only partly visible. The title is often also written as "La galere Reale a la fonde."