Plate 1 from a set of lithographs on the Baltic and Crimean wars, 1854. French and English publication. Title printed in top margin. Print depicts an English frigate named Retribution, identified by the British Flag, at Port of Sevastopol (Sebastopol) in Ukraine confronting a Russian commander in small boat with the St. Andrews flag of the Russian empire, who raises his arms to supplicate with the British frigate to stop their advance into the foggy city of Sevastopol. There are several inscriptions underneath the image. Immediately below the image to the left: "Dessine et Lith. par Max: Beeger" (Designed by Max Beeger); immediately below the image in the center: "Croquis d'apr. nature par un Officier de l'equipage" (Sketched from life by an Officer of the crew); immediately below the image to the right: "Imp. de Jacomme et Cie. r. Meslay, 61, Paris" (Published by Jacomme et Cie. at the address 61 Meslay, Paris). There is a number "1" underneath the lower margin's central inscription and a French (left) and English (right) descriptive inscription. In French: "La Retribution, (fregate a vapeur anglaise.) / (porteur d'une depeche) entre hardiment, par un epais brouillard, dans le port de Sebastopol, au grand / desagrement du Commandant Russe qui la supplie de se retirer du bassin, craignant la curiosite et l'indiscretion." In English: "The Retribution, (English war frigate) / (carrying a dispatch) enters in a thick Fog the Port of Sebastopol to the great vexation of the Russian / Commander who supplicates them to retire, fearing their curiosity and indiscretion." A handwritten addition in pencil, "1855" follows the English descriptive inscription and the Clark Collection's folio number, "8-21" is written in pencil underneath the English descriptive inscription. At the most bottom, left margin are the inscriptions: "Paris, BULLA Freres et JOUY, Editeurs, / Berlin, Ferd EBNER, 196, Friedrichsstrasse." At the most bottom, right margin are the inscriptions: "London, E. GAMBERT et Co. 25, Berners Oxf. St. / New York, Emile Seitz, 413 Broadway."