Jonas van een Visch ingeslokt, word weder uitgespogen; Jonas onder den Wonderboom, verwagt den ondergang van Nineve.
Uncolored engraving with two scenes enclosed by a simple floral border. Top, Jonah, bearded and wearing drapery, spat onto a shell-strewn beach by the whale; in the background is a ship tossing Jonah into the waves as the whale waits with mouth agape. Captioned, "Jona 1 en 2. Jonas van een Visch ingeslokt, word weder uitgespogen" (English: Jonah, swallowed by a Fish, was spat up again.)
Below, Jonah hunched under a tree wrapped by a gourd-vine, looking out on a large city with domes and rectangular towers, as well as two aqueduct-like structures. Captioned "Jona 4. Jonas onder den Wonderboom, verwagt den ondergand van Nineve." (English: Jonas under the miraculous Tree, watching the destruction of Nineveh)