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Pamphlet of sheet music. Single leaf, folded. On cover, a woodcut depicting silhouettes of a spouting whale facing left and spitting out a man with a conical hat onto a small island with two palm trees. The title is printed above; the subtitle and the publisher information are printed below. At top left is written "5 oo", probably a price, $5.00. Inside, at left, is the sheet music, and a note that this pamphlet was "Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by Charles W. Sever, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington". Verses are printed at right, and read:
"In the Black Whale at Ascalon
A man three days did stay,
And then before the marble bar
Down like a log he lay.

In the Black Whale at Ascalon
Out spake the host: "I say!
That man is drinking Bactrian schnapps,
Much more than he can pay."

In the Black Whale at Ascalon
The waiters in three files
Bring in his bill in cuneiform
Indented on twelve tiles.

In the Black Whale at Ascalon
Out spake the guest: "Dear me!
My stamps are gone: I've spent them in
The Lamb at Ninive."

In the Black Whale at Ascalon
The clock struck half-past four:
The Nubian porter kicks him out
And double-locks the door.

In the Black Whale at Ascalon
All orders for fish hash
In every instance now must be
Accompanied by cash.

In the Black Whale at Ascalon
No prophets more you see;
And whosoe'er regales himself
Eats only C.O.D."

Hart Nautical
Sever, Charles W.
ink; paper
13 1/2 in x 11 1/4 in
United States: Cambridge